
Which one of these laptops are the best ? (need someone who is good at computers)?

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Please only serious answers and i would prefer if you were good when it comes to computers!!!




  1. that last one. it has a bigger harddrive, faster processor, and more ram. i dont prefer apple, but this would be my best pick out of those

  2. 3rd one if fastest, but secind or third one becasue they are a little newer

  3. The first one is the worst by far.  Between the second and the third, you have to weigh your options: on the one hand, you have a faster processor (the second one), and on the other hand, you have a bigger hard drive and much more RAM (the third one).  I would personally recommend the third one not only because it has a bigger screen but also because the more RAM you have the faster your computer can access applications.  The difference between a 1.25 ghz processor and a 1.33 ghz processor pales in comparison to the difference between 1.25 gb RAM and 256 mb RAM.  I personally would choose the third one as having less RAM but a faster processor will generally lead to a slower computer as your computer will have to boot up the hard drive more and take much longer to access programs.  Not only that, but you also get a better graphics card and a bigger hard drive to boot (no pun intended).  In conclusion, I would say go for the third one.

  4. The 3rd one by far is the best  

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