If bought online, all 3 phones are around the same price, give or take about $30-$50. I don't know too much about in-store. I think the LG Rumor would be the cheapest in-store. The plans I would get are as follows: Helio Ocean - $65 All In 500, LG Rumor -Talk/Message/Direct Connect $49.99 (Does this include IM?), Sidekick 2008 - $59.98 MyFaves300 w/ SK Unlimited. The coverage seems the best with Sprint, Helio 2nd, with T-Mobile being a close 3rd.
I just wanted to know which phone would be the best to buy in terms of: is it comfortable to talk on/type on, nice and easy navigation, good software/features, and good audio quality (speaker and voice call audio). I like the fact the Ocean has 3G I think. The SK has HTML internet and apps you can purchase. Most likely I will buy Myspace and YouTube Apps. I guess the Rumor loses in that battle LOL. Anything else I should know please add!
This is my first phone purchase and I will pay the bill. So yeah, I would like it to be a good phone XD. Thanks peeps!