
Which one should I study/visit over summer? (oxford, barcelona, etc?)?

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I am indecisive of which one to choose because i would like to go to all of them!! I need advice on where to go and reasons why?


1) Oxford University

2) Cambridge University

3) Barcelona, Spain

4) Florence, Italy

5) Mexico




  1. It depends on what your interests are and how the courses are managed.  Do you speak Spanish or Italian?  If the courses are in either language, challenge yourself.  Or if they're American schools and teach in English, challenge yourself!  I spent a semester in Rome and absolutely loved it.  Florence was cool, but very touristy.  London was boring.  I've never been to Mexico or Spain, but they'd be fun to live in.

    The main thing though (at least for me), is to consider living in a foreign culture the main educational experience.  Live the way your host country does.  Experience their culture, respect their traditions, and don't be an arrogant American.

  2. All of them are great places.

    It is important for you to identify what are your areas of interest.

    What is your field or what are you studying? - So you can choose a place that will serve your academic purpose.

    What language would you like to practice? – If you don’t speak Spanish make sure that the courses are taught in English if you think of going to Mexico, Italy, Spain…

    Have you been to any of these places before?

    –Do you have a budget?

    Good luck.


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