
Which one should get which room?

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Me and my family are moving into a 3 bedroom house with a basement which will be a bedroom. the basement is the biggest than there are two rooms of the same size and than a smaller bed room. in my family there is my mom, dad, me age 12, my sister age 15, and twin boys age 2 who will share a room. how should the room arrangments be?




  1. When we moved last, the two "kid's" rooms upstairs were pretty much the same size, but one had a large built-in desk with lots of bookshelves built-in.  Kids were 13 (boy) and 10 (girl).  They agreed to flip a coin, and the winner got to pick their room.  Worked out fine and no complaints (except about the bathroom they had to share that didn't have a lock on both doors LOL).    

  2. Parents get the largest room or the master suite.  Then the 15 yr. old and down from there.  But the rooms have to line up with who needs the most attention closest to the parents.  The 2 yr. old boys need to have a room closest to your parents.  Other than that, everything else is up for grabs according to the parents.

  3. Your parents should get the basement...they need the space and privacy and quiet the most.  The twins should share one of the medium-sized rooms, and your sister should get the other-medium room. Unfortunately, this leaves you with the smaller room but i have the smallest room in my house and its kinda cozy and cute! But if you have more stuff than your sister, she should take the smaller one.  

  4. the oldest kid (your sister) should get the basement room because she's a teenager and will have more privacy (that's assuming your parent's don't want the basement - which they probably won't.)

    your parents get one of the bigger bedrooms and your twin brothers get the other bigger bedroom

    you get stuck with the smaller bedroom

    sorry - but that's how it should go.  if you only had one younger brother, i'd say you get the second bigger room, but since there is one of you and two of them you get stuck with the smaller one

    at least you don't have to share a room, right?

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