
Which one should i go for,laptop or desktop?

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I am am Mechanical engg student & I ll be mainly using my machine for sketching & analyzing 3D machine drawings on Autocad, Solidedge, Nastern, Catia etc., listening to music, wi-fi internet & watching DVD movies & TV series at times.I ll get a system with 3GB RAM on board. Portability is not a big issue for me. Also i want to knw if the LCD screen of laptop cause any distortions in graphical 3D machine drawings. Answer the question even if u ve got a partial answer.




  1. you need a desktop because in order to do things in autocad i recomend a nvida 8400 gs dedicated graphics card or higher

  2. I'd opt for a desktop- more powerful graphics cards are readily available (while finding capable gpus on laptops is a real quest) repairs and upgrades over the lifespan of the machine are much easier and less expensive.

    For CAD and 3D design, the optimal graphics adapters are things like the Nvidia Quadro FX and ATI FireGL cards.  Those are a completely different class of hardware from gaming video cards.

    I don't think there's any more distortion from LCD panels in laptops than desktop flat-panel LCD monitors.

  3. I work for an AutoDesk Reseller.  I teach AutoCAD and Inventor Classes. For the line of work your into these are my recommendations.

    Dual Core Processor

    NVidia Quadro Graphics Card 256mb +

    4 Gigs RAM  

    64Bit Operating System

    10,000RPM Velociraptor Hard Drive

    This Recommendation can either be for a Laptop or Desktop...Portability is your preference

  4. Ookay, you can get a Desktop if portability is not issue with you. I have two monitors side by side setup to work. ITs so much easier to work with everything when you have secondary monitor.

    LCD screen wont cause any distortions in graphical 3D drawings.

    even if you wish to have laptop, you can get external mouse and keyboard, and hook it up with big monitor.

  5. I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering 2 years ago (2006). I can tell you that in my personal experience, I did very little 3D modeling or CAD on my personal computer. The few times that I did need to do something I used the lab at school.

    I also could not possibly have functioned without a laptop. It was a daily occurrence to find groups of engineering students studying at random locations around campus. Having my computer with me was not always necessary, but there were times when it was. Almost every student had a laptop, those who did not were at a real disadvantage because they were forced to work in the lab when homework required a computer, rather than taking their computer to wherever people were gathered.

    My advice is to talk to an administrator in your college before you buy a computer. Ask questions like:

    "What do I need, How much power will my computer need, what type of software will I need to run? etc" Also be sure to ask what most of the other students have. Ask if its common to find engineering study groups at various locations around campus.

    I agree with the other answers that you will get better computing power, for less money in a desktop. However my personal experience in Mechanical Engineering was that a basic (mid-range) laptop had plenty of power for 99% of what I needed, and the portability of it was something I literally could not have gone without. If I had started college with a desktop, I guarentee you 100% I would have purchased a laptop within 3 months after entering college.

    The best advice I can give you is to talk to your counselor or an administrator in the Mechanical Engineering department before buying anything. Also, it won't be the end of the world if you start college without a computer. There are always computer labs available to get you through the first couple weeks/months. That would give you a chance to talk to professors, see what other students have, and get a feel for what you really need.  

  6. Well, since you say you are a student I'm guessing you go to college, where of course a laptop is the best. For Graphical Designers and CAD users, a laptop is good if you are on the go.

    With a desktop, you can get more power and stability, and a wider selection of monitors and displays, ranging from a CRT (Cathode Ray Tubes) to LCD (Liquid Crystal Display).

    I also use some CAD programs to design levels for games, and my laptop has not had any distortions in the 3D look of the CAD.

    All you should make sure is to get a good enough graphics card and processor, and definitely RAM, to handle all of the programs you need. RAM is key because CAD programs can eat up RAM and slug your computer down.

    For a processor, I recommend a high end Core 2 Duo (Intel) or a Quad if you have the money.

    Graphics Cards aren't as important unless you are going to play games as well, but a decent one with at least 256-512 GDDR memory should be fine, such as the Nvidia 7 and 8 Series.

    As above, just make sure the system requirements are met.

    Good luck, and I hope I helped.

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