
Which one will tap out? Bruce Lee or a BJJ world champ?

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who would win if Bruce Lee(in his prime) fought a brazillian jujutsu expert/champ (like... Royce or Rickson Gracie




  1. I'll bite on this one. I'm going to ask if Bruce Lee knew that there was a style called Brazilian Jujitsu? You have to remember that the style that Bruce Lee "created" was in essence MMA. He took what worked out of the different styles and added them to his arsenal. Had the Jeet Kun Do (hope I spelled it right) practicioners kept up that practice we wouldn't have had to wait so long for this style of fighting to become more popular. Only difference is that it would have been geared more towards Self Defense than cage fighting (I would like to see someone make that logical step if they haven't already) So under that assumption I would say Bruce would win because he had very fast hands that packed power. Jeet Kun Do would have had (at least) a good takedown defense and some submissions built into it. That is my long winded opinion. Sorry to rant.

  2. Rickson in particular would win this fight with ease. Royce i believe would beat Bruce as well. Rickson is pure all around fighter. Royce is not nearly as good stand up but has the ground skills and submissions to prevail.

  3. Well, you can think about it this way.  You can judge someone by his/her students.  All of Bruce Lee's original students will to this day say that he was the best.  What he taught to them helped them become so proficient in martial arts that governments have used them to train special forces soldiers.  So, I guess it would depend on the type of fight.  Bruce Lee would definitely win in a street fight, which means he would have won in the early UFC fights since they had very few rules and were much closer to a street fight than the UFC today.  I'm not sure about how well he'd do against a Gracie in a UFC fight the way the rules are set up today.  I'd say the Gracies would win if more rules were involved.  Lee grew up a street fighter and developed his system for use in fights without rules or points.  Some people will say that he was just an actor.  But, he only became an actor because he had gained such notariety as a fighter.

  4. in the later years of his life Bruce lee trained in grappling, so considering his history of martial skill I would have to vote for bruce. Bruce lee could throw punches and kicks faster than people could see, and that's not exageration. He could also kick a sandbag and bend it in half, sending it swinging around on its chain. I don't think any of the gracie family has speed or powwer of that nature considering the slow-working tactical nature of jujitsu. Bruce would throw a long-range kick and brake a rib or two right at the beginning of the match and then bounce out of range, when the gracie came in for the clinch there would be a kick or several punches waiting for him. The gracies were all very good at getting in the clinch quickly and then taking their time with strategy and strength to win out. But Bruce is legendary for his speed, strength, and skill, so sadly i doubt that they would win. However, do i believe that bruce was unbeatable? No.

  5. Bruce Lee would not agree to a tap out match.  I think he would maim due to the simple fact that he would end the fight as soon as possible.  I think he would get a groin shot in, then go for the eyes.   Then stomp whomever his opponents is head in the ground.

  6. The same thing would happen as happened with all of the primarily stand up fighters when they fought someone that specialized on the ground.  Watch UFC 1 for your answer.

  7. if bruce won it would be no tap outs he was a dirty fighter and will kill you o and id say bruce lee but if it was an mma expert who new more striking i might change my mind

    rickson has a good chance though

  8. I think you've got a handful of highly skilled men in your question, and  I don't think any of their egos would let them tap no matter how much danger they were in.

    As far as who would win in a BJJ or MMA match, I'd go with the BJJ champ because they are masters of sport and the sanctioned athletic competition is where they would focus their efforts.

    In a real fight, Bruce Lee would probably punch the BJJ champ in the trachea or something devastating enough to make the opponent quit.

  9. Oh man, great question. Usually these 'who would win' questions kind of bother me. This is interesting though.

    Let me just say as far as the martial arts goes, these are three of my biggest heroes. Lee, Royce, and Rickson.

    In a BJJ rules match up, Rickson would win easily. Bruce studied jiu-jitsu. Read his book The Tao of Jeet Kune Do, and there's an entire section on the study of jiu-jitsu. Still, his skills would probably fall short against a thoroughbred like Royce or Rickson.

    In a straight up fight, things might go differently. :-)

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