
Which one worked for you???temps, kits???

by  |  earlier

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Hey everyone, just a quick question....

i've been ttc for about 6 months now with no luck.. and i have started charting temps and have been on prenatels, watching my weight and everything, im 27 years old in pretty good health and my husband is 30 in pretty good health ...

So what im asking is, im wondering if the ovulation kits or charting worked for you.. this last month i have tryed to take my mind off of it and just let it be, but as soon as af came its just another bummer all over again.. i've never used the ovulation kits? im wondering if that can help me pinpoint it better.So im just looking for so advice and to see what worked for you???




  1. I  used everything under the sun for well over a year, including fertility treatments.  We finally got pregnant and I think I owe it, at least in part, to the ClearBlue Fertility Monitor.  But it is not cheap.  Around $250.00.  However, you can use it for subsequent pregnancies as well as sell it on craigslist or ebay and recoop some of your money.  It tells you your four most fertile days.  I suggest baby dancing all four.  That is what we did and it worked for us!

  2. The ovulation method worked for us.  It's so easy to understand when you ovulate, almost to the hour with that method.  You check your cervical mucus every day of your cycle.  It will become clear and very stretchy about two or three days before you ovulate.  When you can stretch it at least three inches between your fingers without it breaking is typically the day that you ovulate.  About a day later your mucus will go back to being pasty and whitish.

    It took us one month with our first, and three with our second, and I knew exactly when I ovulated any other month as well.

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