
Which one would get into the most trouble,a player swinging at an umpire or an umpire swinging at a player?

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And connecting.Let's face it,either one has probably been tempted to do it over the years.




  1. I think if an umpire was to take a swing at a player first that the umpire would prob be lose his job and never umpire again. I believe a few years back it was carl crawford playing for the durham bulls when he threw his bat at the umpire which i think is worse than a punch and he got suspended for the rest of the season but he is now playing in the majors.

  2. ump

  3. I would think that the player would get in more trouble because touching an umpire is a big no-no. But I'm sure that in both cases you'd see long-term suspensions and if the player or umpire had a history of bad behavior, it could easily push them over-the-top to being banned from baseball.  

  4. Probably the Umpire. The childish athlete would be fined and suspended for a few games, maybe even traded. The Ump would be fired. Both are suppose to be in control. See if you can get way with it at work.

  5. It should be both. but it be more of the player getting in trouble.

    Acutally a calripken leauge of umpires got food thrown at them from board memebers and they wouldn't call the cops.

  6. Life isn't fair, so it would probably be the ump. But to their credit this doesn't happen, they usually have a much higher level of maturity than the players.

    For example, did you see the baby Sheffield get ejected the other day? Big cry baby tantrum and Fieldin Culbreth barely even bothers to lift his arm for the ejection he was so dismissive of Sheffield. Another classless act by the most classless player in the game.

  7. Probably the ump, since they shouldn't be losing their cool like that, whereas we see players get mad all the time, so they get ejected and sometimes suspension. But if the ump did that, he could probably lose his job.  

  8. They should both be in deep trouble, but it would probably come down to a battle of the unions.  The players' union is the one that worked so hard to keep drug testing out of the majors until it became a mockery.  The umpires' union is so strong that they all quit several years ago during a labor dispute and MLB was forced to re-hire almost all of them.  Try that with your job.  Give your boss a letter of resignation and then go back a month later and say that you've changed your mind and you demand that they re-hire you.  They should both be suspended for at least a month.  

  9. It is hard to say. A few (months?) ago the umpire Brian Rungue bumped a player who was arguing. I understand a bump isn't a swing, but the player did not touch him at all during the confrontation. Rungue was suspended for two games I believe.

    I have never seen it happen, but I would think that the ump would be in more trouble. It's like a cop. If a cop goes out and hits a man but th eman didn't lay his hand on the cop, the cop would be in trouble. The figures of authority are expected to behave in a manner that is more respectful than those who are not figures.  

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