
Which one would you pick??

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Ok i am having trouble pickn between 2 guys a really really hot guy thats 1 year younger than me that my mom thinks cute and his mom wants us to get together ( o and he likes me) or a really cute guy whos my bffs cousin thats 2 years older. I really like the guy thats younger but idk plz help!




  1. go with the younger guy.  you both obviously like each other.

  2. i had the same problem decideing between a younger guy whos hot and i like, or the cute older popular guy that everyone liked.

    the one you want will be the one that you will be happyer with! youll be with the older one thinking about the younger one, trust me.

    go for the younger one! =]

  3. go for the one younger. everyone will be happy. :)

  4. Go for the guy which YOU like, its your life so you do what you want!

    besides ones hot, the other's cute, what are you waiting for! go for it ;)

  5. Go with the guy that you like more, dont go with some older guy just because hes older...thats just stupid and makes no sorry if it seems mean but why go with someone just cause of thier age?

  6. Well, if your ok with dating someone younger than you, go ahead. some people only like older guys, but it really doesn't matter. pick which ever one you have stronger feelings for

  7. then pick the younger guy silly!

    he sounds like a cutie

  8. which one you like more? go for that one....

  9. the younger one . you like him better =)

    plus , you already have permission ahaha  

  10. younger

  11. Flip a quarter!  And if that one doesn't work, try the other one.  Good luck!

  12. Go for the younger one!

    you like him better.


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