
Which one you can't tolerate more?

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Body odour or Bad Breath.





  1. agree with wicked little girl

  2. Both

  3. body odour,,,

    perfume anyone?

  4. I would say BO cos no way in h**l can I hold my breath that long!

    People with bad breath, just don't breathe when they are

  5. Bad breath.

  6. bad breath........

  7. Bad breath...............eeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwww...

  8. bad breath------------it's disgusting!!!!

    bo comes a close second, of course.

  9. I lived in West Africa, and there, it is body odor.  The BO is sooooo bad, it makes you gag.  

  10. BO! The person just has to walk past and you can smell it.

    At least with bad breath, you'll only smell it when the person talks to you from a close distance.  

  11. If i have a friend like that i prefer to talk with them over the phone.. Call you laters.

  12. d**n, thats a tough one! i'd have to say body odor because it emits itself at a bigger radius, atleast when someone's got some dank breath you can keep your distance without catching a whiff so easily.

  13. Body odour..........

    i will die

    *1 of my company staff have that kind of problem

    everyday feel like in h**l!!!!!!!!!

  14. Body odour. as long as you keep his/her mouth shut, bd breath wont be a problem..

  15. Body odour..erk..nasty to me

  16. I'll choose bad breath. I hate the "gust of wind" blowing into my face when I'm talking to someone. Worst is when that person is telling me a joke and I'd have to at least smile and control my facial expression.

  17. Badie Breath....  Hope you don't have it :)

    If have, I've got listerine for you... hehehe...


  18. body odor  

  19. BO. omg. imagine u dlm lrt. bad breath boleh thn kalau die xbrckp. BO die diam ke x, u still can smell it.

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