
Which ones better? been in love or falling in love???

by  |  earlier

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falling in love- the moments building up to it, the feelings, the nights awake dreaming of the other person etc etc

being in love- being content, comfotable, mutually happy, knowing how you feel!




  1. Falling.

    Because once you're in love, it takes so much and you have to make sure that person doesn't end up falling out of love with you.

  2. falling becaue then its not over been in love means its over so falling lol

  3. falling..

  4. There is no comparison here - new love is always more exciting - after two years then it takes work.

  5. falling because its like a new world in a way. anyways the flirting stage is always the best for me (:

    and the ride (trying to make him like you) is funn (:

  6. i love both of them this two cannot be separted they just follow one by one. so i love the feeling of falling in love and follow by being in love i would not like to choose from these two as they follow by steps and we cannot choose in love.

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