
Which online stock broker offers most availability of stocks ?

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to short? Because I have scottrade and I always am only able to short 4-5 g's of stock. Also why is it that Think or swim can short any stock but scottrade only can short stocks 5 and above. Is it because scottrade wants to limit risk? Should I switch brokers is it a hassle?




  1. All brokerage firms are under the same rules and regulations, although some firm can make policy more stringent than the rules.

    No one can properly resond to your request without knowing you account balances (both cash & margin), the type of securities that you are trying to short, and their respective prices.

    So without further information a good response can not be given,

    I have margin & cash accounts with both Scottrade & Thinkorswim, and I have never had any problems

    Between the two firms, Scottrade would have the better order flow which helps them in contacts for borrowing stocks for short sales. they seem to have a better order routing system, which helps in street contacts and order executions.

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