
Which options should i take?

by  |  earlier

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architect - geography, art, graphics


lawyer - history, german, ict




  1. Omigod, i did history, german, lawyer, law prof. The law school part was just to keep me out of Viet Nam, however.

    You, of course, must decide what feels best for you.  If i were to do it all again, i would opt for art.  

    In all events YOU decide, and then have the courage to go for it, without considering whether it will lead to "fame and fortune"  -- vastly overrated goals.  Fit only for the not too conscious and usually sociopathic  :))  Best of luck !!

  2. if u like them both, i would go with my strong suite. u need math,art,design 4 architect & u need a speedreading course,great memory,& fierce ambition 4 the lawyer because we already have way too many.

  3. Which do you like better?

    Which are you currently better at?

    Close your eyes, envision yourself ten years in the future.  Which of these are you doing in the vision?

    Now pick the one that was the answer for 2/3 or 3/3 of those questions.

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