
Which organization can help us? We are victims of religious prejudice…?

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We live in Iran .We love each other and we want to marry. My family are not Muslims and his Family are Muslims. His father threatened that if we marry he will hurt me & my family and because the government is against our religion, He can do every thing against us. It’s more than one year we have this problem and we are in a very bad situation.

Is there any organization that can help us?




  1. I wish I knew. God bless you both. You deserve every happiness.

    I will keep you in my prayers.

    Please send me e-mail; if I find out anything, I need to know how to reach you.

  2. Man what you talking about you Christians are the ones who cause all the problems.

  3. Yes, it's called the United States. We have it all over here. No one would be allowed to do that sort of thing to you.

  4. That's terrible. Can you leave Iran?

    I found this Iranian & Kurdish Women's Organization:

    There's a number you can call for advice.

    EDIT: I don't know how you leave Iran. Is it legal to just drive across the border? You could emigrate to a country that is more lenient but not far away so you could still see your family. Qatar and United Arab Emirates are both right across the gulf, and they are more tolerant aren't they? I am not really sure. Or Turkey?

  5. In Iran?  Difficult to say.  Try Amnesty International.  

    I'd suggest you both immigrate to the United States and live in peace.

  6. You need to leave Iran. I don't think they care about religious freedom, but you should already know that.

  7. I am a Muslim Alhamdulillah.

    Islam does not allow any one to harm or hurt but in self defense.

    Islam also advise a man to marry some one who has faith on true God Almighty only, without sharing some one with The God Almighty.( There are various reasons for this advice).

    There is no compulsion in Religion, but if you think and fully understand Islam is The Religion taught by Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad ( I would include Buddha as well ) (pbu them all), Then I would advice you to revert to Islam.

    In other case to save your lives leave and immigrate to more safer place in your mind.

    May God Almighty gave you wisdom and vision for right and correct decision, and bless you and your family, Amen.

  8. Not really.

    The two of you would have to leave Iran forever or you would have to convert to Islam for this to work.

    I doubt if either choice is palatable.

    And defying the government in Iran is flat-out dangerous, as you well know.

    Don't do it - people have just vanished.

  9. You could move to a more accepting place.

    I am no expert in these things, so I don't know what you can do, but if he is harassing you, there probably is something you can do about it.

    As far as Iran's policies and laws on said matter, I do not know.


  10. Religion is a major problem for human rights issues. Big big trouble for human rights. Nothing can be done about it unless there is a major world war III using nuclear weapons to wiped out human existence until maybe only a few scientists survives and rebuild this earth of humanity.

    Humanity is basically doomed because they believe in superstitions of men made up religions.

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