
Which out of these two magazines would you buy?

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I'm doing some research on two Wii magazines and would like to know which one you would prefer to buy, just by looking at the cover and free gifts. Could you tell me why too.

Here are the links for each mag, don't panic, they are only picture links.

This one comes with a free ds game holder and pack of mario playing cards


This one comes with a free blow up nickelodeon body board





  1. cant display either link!

  2. The offical nintendo magazine is really good i get it and it has really good reviews hints and tips. :P

  3. the first one is the better deal

  4. the links don't display for me but the first 1 sounds cool from the free gifts. its personal choice. if you get 1 and don't like it. next month get the other brand.

  5. Second Mag. Looks Alot More Colorful And U Can Tell Has More Articles

  6. i would go for the first one with ninendo because i like the free gifts they give you which are usually cool or handy to have like the game holder thing :)

    i also like more than the other one because the other one is too busy on the front cover. the nintendo has a a large pic o attract attention and thats it, which mite sound lame but it catches my attension more than the other one

    plus nintendo have better stuff in it and have reviews and stuff on the newsest games

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