
Which outfit is better on me? picss =] =]?

by Guest63855  |  earlier

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can you all help me decide what to wear on the first dayy? =]

thanks. and dont tell me i need tolose weightor im fat, because i know alright? thanks haa




  1. Last one, I don't like the third at all.

  2. First of all you are defiantly not fat!!! You have a very pretty body! Second, I like the last one...I love the color of the shirt and just the way it flatters your figure!

  3. the last one

  4. i like the second

  5. last one,its really cute:)

    && ur NOT fat.

  6. yea yea pic number 3 dont b consider

  7. 2nd or 4th.

    You might want to add accessories though, or a couple of bold earrings to make it less bland. But it's cute!


  9. They all look good, but the first and last are better.

  10. The second or fourth one, but you might want to add some accessories.

  11. 1st or 2nd, but personally i dont like any of them that much theyre all too plain and black you need more colors

  12. the 4th one, and BTW you are the perfect wieght,

    ps, love the jeans!

  13. i like the 4th one. It's really cute  

  14. Your not fat at all, no joke.

    I like the last one because its flattering and cute.

    I love your fashion sense by the way!

    p.s. You kind of look like Demi Lovato from those pictures.

  15. 4th outfit.

  16. its kinda hard to see the outfits, but i like #1 the best. add some earrings, bracelets, or a necklace to spice it up a bit.

    and i don't think u need to lose weight. haha.  

  17. i like the fourth and the second one =)

  18. i like the second its super cuuuute :]

  19. the 4th one!


  20. 1. the fourth one. or the second one.  but i think the 4th one is cuter personally.

    2. your not fat, so dont even go there ok

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