
Which paperwork do I need for a sailboat?

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what do I need to do before I can sail? I wish to know all the usual things that I need for sailing.




  1. Check local laws/requirements first, they are not the same for all states.  Look in phone book for local Coast Guard Axillary.  Take their safe boating class as well.

    A word of warning:  The Coast Guard does NOT need a reason to "pull you over" so to speak.  For your safety and for the safety of others, you need to have what is required for your boat.

    Rule number one: Think safe, act safe, be safe.

    Rule number two: Refer to rule #1.

  2. Boat title & registration. Title for locacality you live in & state registration for principal waters sailed. Trailer may or not require registration , title or plates depending on state law. I lived in KY , boated Ohio. Title was KY , Registration in OH , No KY trailer license, or plates. required 10 years ago.

      You need a safe boating course & some sailing training/reading.. I suggest locatioing a local sailing club, find out what one design fleets exist, pick a fleet that has the type of boat you may be interested in, contact fleet , ask for a ride, volunteer to crew for races

      Flying Scots are a popular boat in most of US East of Mississippi.. I quarantee a hearty welcome. Often Flying Scot sailors are eager to take you out to promote boat & love of sailing.& also sponsor training.

      Send more details & I can direct further. ( location etc).

    Following above pattern you can't go wrong. Sailing at a local club as crew is a great way to find out more about the various boats , their pluses & minuses. with no or minimum investment. Also answer the question: Is it the activity or the object I am persuing ?? Also any activity other than sailing is more comfortable & cheaper to do on dry land. Like eating sleeping , making love!

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