
Which parrot is the best African Grey or cockatoos?

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  1. cockatoos are loud  needy and really really  need  a person who can spend allot of time with . i have three of them and they are all needy , african grey  i have three as well  my male talks up a storm  my female she just makes noises but yet so cuddly  and lovable. the tem grey is funny he talks and is a sweet heart . my suggestion is think long and hard because a big bird like these do take up alot of youre time and needs a lot of   attention  

  2. Hi,

    I think that african geys are better pets they are better talkers and in my experience are easier to keep tame cockatoos, macaws etc normally go wild in later life.

  3. It is a personal preference.  A cockatoo is a more "needy" bird.  They usually require more one on one attention from the owner than a Grey does.  Cockatoos are not the known talker that the Grey is.  Some cockatoos can talk up a storm, I have even heard a few that sing opera.  But they generally don't talk near as much, or as well as a Grey.  Cockatoos can be extremely cuddly (especially the larger species like the umbrella).  Cockatoos can also be screamers, especially in the morning and the evenings, which is normal for birds, because they are very social at these times in the wild. Greys are very prolific talkers.  They have the mental capacity to learn about 2,000 words.  They are not as affectionate as the Toos, but they can be great companions. They can also be very noisy, although they are not known for screaming, mostly whistling and the native "Grey" calls that they make in the wild.  They are very exotic sounds.  If you have a Grey that talks a lot, they can keep at it all day, and it can drive you nuts sometimes.  I work with and own both kinds of these birds.  I wouldn't trade either one.  Spend some time around them, and do lots of research.  Both can be very bad feather pickers if they get too stressed, and both require a very large cage.  A grey can be better if you are gone alot, where a cockatoo can become stressed over this and end up picking feathers.  Like I said, it is a personal choice.  I am gone from home sometimes 12 or more hours a day and my cockatoo does excellent.  But it has been like this since I have owned him, so he is used to it.  My husband is home more than I am, but I am the basic caregiver and feeder of all of my birds.  Read books...not everything you find on different sites or blogs (especially the blogs) are not true.  Many times the sites are outdated or the opinion of a few people.  Make up your own mind by spending time around each bird and doing research.  Please read my profile.

  4. African Greys are smarter and will learn more faster.  cockatoos are much friendlier

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