
Which part of a day do u like the most and why?

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Which part of a day do u like the most and why?




  1. I like the mornings, the air is clean, the sun isn't too strong, I am refreshed from sleeping. I love it

  2. I like mornings the best because then I can see the most important people in my life, my children and boyfriend.  I work nights so I don't get to see them a lot!

  3. 8am, because everyone in house has left, and I can use the computer without any interuptions.

  4. The early morning before everyone gets up.  It's a good time to mentally prepare for the day ahead.

  5. Night time, everything is so quiet and peaceful, I'm a night owl and love love love being up to all hours of the morning. I suppose having kids, night time is time all to myself.

  6. time between 4 and 6pm. i usually have my afternoon coffee break then, i read newspapers, maybe watch a little's my relaxing time.

  7. Mostly mornings or evenings.  Those are the 2 times of the day when it reflects the essence of life, smiling for a new day and saying bye to today

  8. sunset,i think its a relaxing time.

  9. About 3 pm because that is when I can start winding down from work.

  10. When my son comes home from school and is all mine again, and when my husband gets home from work and needs me to lighten his load! I feel loved.

  11. I like 4am. Not when you wake up, but when you have been up all night. Its calm, cool, peaceful.

  12. When dawn cracks.It is so beautiful. It seems as if nature is waking up after a good sleep. The (mix) mild fragrance of flowers (and something i don't know) in the morning and the chirping of birds... it seems we are in heaven. I really like sunrise. The atmosphere use to be so fresh and it seems that a new day is arriving and you really want to welcome it.

  13. I prefer 10 a.m to 2 p.m. mostly because it's still plenty of time to get things done, but a nice sandwich on the couch isn't out of the question. It doesn't reach peak temperature, but at the same time its nice. I just like leisurley lunches I suppose.

  14. Between 6pm and 8pm. It's so nice outside, the sun has set but it's not completely dark, the twilight looks beautiful, the sky is a lovely shade of orange and the clouds are pink-ish... temperature has dropped a little and the air just smells so cool and clean at that time. I love it.

  15. the free time that i get after work; because..i just LOVE to be not yelled at, put pressure on and so on

  16. i love getting up in the morning as i am alive and looking forward to a great day, wow what a great feeling it is to be alive

  17. I like the moment I open my eyes and realize that GOD woke me to live and see another day!

  18. Don't get me wrong, I love my daughter and all, but I love the moment after she goes to bed and you just flop on the couch and let out a big sigh of relief cuz you can actually relax!

  19. The best part of the day is early morning when everything is starting over new.  You get a fresh start and it is the first day of the rest of your life!  It is a new awakening for everything and everybody, a new chance!

  20. I like the evening hours the most. I hate getting up in the morning unless I'm going fishing. Nothing like being out on the lake at 5:00 in the morning. Its very peace full and relaxing.

  21. Mid morning about 11am..I take my little dog for a walk we live near the coast some lovely country side around here...always makes me happy to be alive and grateful for what I have...

  22. breakfast, lunchy and dinner!

  23. Morning And Nights.

    cool air

    No Preasure.

  24. Dinner time in the early evening.  This is my favorite time because this is when the family is all together and we always have a good time.  I make sure of it.  My time with my children will be short and I want to cherish the moments and hope they do also.

  25. I like the end of the day, because chances are if it falls Monday - Friday, then I reckon my day most likely was a bad day.  My weekends are never long enough.  Except that one time...It was too long, but we won't go there.

  26. I like 7:40am because it is when the school bus comes and picks up four of my five kids for school!!! I can actually hear myself think for awhile!!!

  27. i like morning! because first thing i see and hear my little one's voice. I feel refresh when i see my little one's face and take a sip of coffee.

  28. About 5.20pm, because that's when My husband gets in from work.

  29. Morning.  So much potential for the rest of the day.

    I am well-rested.

  30. first thing in the morning, cos i get to wake up and cuddle with my handsome hubby

  31. 7 p.m. ===> reason====> i dont konw ... :)

    it just i feel happy at that time

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