
Which part of life is better: childhood or adulthood?

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according to your own experience...




  1. I don't know, both have thier downsides, even if I was wrong about thinking everything my parents did or said was unfair, it still hurt me for a time period, even if it was stupid. Now as an adult I realize that hey were definitley right about life not being fair. The first few years of adulthood are great, then things really start to sink in.  

  2. Having lived through both eras I think early adulthood after college was the best time of life for me. Of course that would be with the knowledge that I have now.

  3. Childhood,ofcourse.I had worries then too like incomplete homework,lost pencils,torn books,turned down icecream applications.........

    now Ive things but lost the fragrance of innocence

  4. adulthood for me.  I wouldn't wish my childhood on my worse enemy - um, maybe I would.

  5. adulthood

  6. When I was a child, I wanted so badly to be an adult: ugly duckling-to-swan, happy, and independent.

    Now that I'm an adult--still ugly, anxious, self-loathing, and over-worked--I crave the innocence of youth.

    Funny, isn't it!  

  7. as u get older,u will realize that each stage of life is to hinder the. other.

  8. For me personally, my childhood was the best part of my life - so far.

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