
Which part of the earth gets very first sun ray.?

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Which part of the earth gets very first sun ray.?




  1. well from what remember it is New Zealand. It is the first to see the sun come up each day. I dont know why. Its just happens that way.

  2. If a whole bunch of rays are sent out at the same time, the first ones in that bunch to hit Earth are the ones aimed for the "subsolar point", a point (always near the equator) that is the closest to the Sun.

    From that point, the Sun would be seen directly overhead.

    As a first approximation, look for a location on the equator, where it is noon, standard time (or 1 pm daylight saving time).

    Then move up or down in latitude, to find the latitude equal to the Sun's declination.

    The Sun's declination is 0 on March 21 (equinox), 23 26.7 N on June 21 (solstice), 0 again on September 21 (equinox), and 23 26.7 S on December 21 (solstice).

    There are tables (and web sites) giving the Sun's declination for each day.

  3. Earth rotates continuously. The answer to your question depends on how you define "first".

    In the same as asking "which number on a clock is passed by the hour arm first?" -- depends on where you count from.

  4. What are you talking about?  Do you think the Earth is flat?  The Earth is round.  One half of the Earth is always facing the Sun while the other half of the Earth is in the dark.   I thought we learned this in first grade?

  5. (reading your mind a little)  the first point of land in the United States to see the morning sun is Cadillac Mountain, Maine in Arcadia Park.

  6. The Earth is a sphere.  Approximately half of it is in Sun light all the time.

  7. the answer to that is the equator because that is the fattest part of the earth

  8. the sun is constantly emitting rays, so new rays are always hitting the earth all the time.

    if for some reason the sun went dark and restarted again the frist rays whould hit the earth at the closet point betwean the two spheres (at thier 'true' equators)

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