
Which parts of the body move to convert soundwaves into speech?

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its science homework and i cant find the answer! plz help




  1. A poorly worded question that could have two completely different answers:

    If the question is asking how speech is produced:  Raw sound is generated in the larynx.  We vary the pitch and intensity of the sound by moving the vocal chords, throat muscles and diaphragm.   We form this raw sound into speech by manipulating that sound and adding additional sounds by moving our lips, tongue,  cheeks and jaw.

    If the question is asking how we convert sound into recognizable speech, those moving parts are all in the middle and inner ear.  The ear drum picks up the vibrations of sound and transfers them through a series of tiny bones to the cochlea.  The vibrations in the cochlea excite tiny hairs that fire nerve impulses to the brain.

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