
Which party have mobilized and energize the voters more Democrat or the Republicans?

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Which party have mobilized and energize the voters more Democrat or the Republicans?




  1. Democrats by a long shot. Obama is like the Democratic rock star. Hillary has been the liberal dream for year. McCain is too old to induce excitement.

  2. I think the Democrats have mobilized the Republicans more than the Republicans.

  3. The Democrats put color to this year's Presidential derby by fielding a woman and a Black to fight each other.

  4. Democrats, but if Obama gets it I'm voting Nader.  Cause we will be screwed either way. This meaning more republicans and he will s***w the country that is, if he's the nominee.

  5. we will find out in November, this is just the playoffs

  6. The Democrats. Most of us Republicans can't stand John McCain who is a left wing liberal socialist Democrat anyway. We sure got stuck with him because so many Dems voted in the primary for McCain to get rid of Romney.

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