
Which party is further right-wing: The Canadian Conservative party or the US Republican Party?

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If you were to put these two parties side-by-side on the political spetrum, which would fall further right:

The U.S. Republican party (led by George W. Bush) or the Canadian Conservative Party (led by Harper)?




  1. The US Republicans by FAR!

  2. The Democrat party is farther right than the Conservatives.

  3. I've just had a political discussion in class and they say Harper is dragging the  Canadian conservative party farther right. I have no idea exactly who's more right, but I know who's more anarchist for sure.

    Spam masterpython!

    Master Python: You probably have no idea of what a political compass is, so delete your stupid answer.

  4. Definitely the Rupublican party. If you are an American I am sorry but I must say that the members of this party scare the pants off me. I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to nuke any

    country that got in 'their way'.

  5. By far, the Republicans are further right wing.  The Harper new conservatives have been moving further right, but at best copy aspects of the Republican playbook.

    But past history, and in some senses even today, Canadian Conservatives are left of the US Democratic Party.  Examples - although they talk creating a tiered health system where you can opted to purchase health care, they NEVER discuss dismantling the health care safety net for the needy.  That would be political suicide.  They have been known to have similar policies to the Canadian Liberals.   On the other hand, a US Democratic President has never established a health care safety net for the needy.

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