
Which party is of higher Moral Character?

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Republicans have been investigated and or have had moral crises, but are supposed to be the ones with the high moral values.

John Mc Cain - Keating 5

John Mc Cain - Adulterer

Cindy Mc Cain - Thief

Cindy Mc Cain - Drug Addict

Sarah Palin - Under Investigation

Bristol Palin - Teen Mother

Barack Obama - Non of the above

Michele Obama - Non of the above




  1. Look, I can tell you're a fellow Barack Obama supporter; but let's heed Obama's advice, and not drag the daughter into this.

    There's enough to campaign against McCain on without the girl being bombarded.

  2. We are supposed to answer your carefully chosen and utterly biased question??????  S**t if you're questioning moral values, let's go further and include ALL of Obama's really close friends, like Ayers, JWright so we are on a level playing field.

  3. Show me a perfect human being.

    There are none.

    Moral character must include admitting your flaws, not excusing them and taking responsibility for them.

    When viewed with personal responsibility in mind, I think (in general) the Conservatives well exceed the Liberals on the issue of moral character.  

  4. The one that does not advocate destroying unborn children.

  5. The WHIGs

  6. Try applying that to your party's principles. Stealing from hard working people to pay for people who don't work. Wants to legalize late term abortion, and partial birth abortion--which is actually murder, even though early term isn't.

    However, Obama - Did cocaine. Consorts with terrorists and crime lords.

  7. Neither

  8. The best liars usually don't get investigated until after they've been elected.  Remember "Slick" Willy?  How about Agnew?  Nixon?

    No person could reach a high level in Washington without underhanded and illegal dealings.  The 'special' interests have too much money and power.

    Let's go back a little in history:

    1)  One world leader drank a fifth of gin every other day.  He was also a lascivious womanizer.  He smoked large cigars.

    2)  Another drank about as much Bourbon and also chased pretty girls.  He also enjoyed tobacco....usually fancier cigarettes.

    3)  A third was a war hero.  Didn't drink, didn't smoke.  Didn't chase young girls.  

    For whom would you cast your vote?

    They were:

    1)  Churchill;

    2)  FDR; and

    3)  Hitler.

  9. Clearly not you because you included Bristol Palin in this "question".

    You people are totally sick.

    No party that supprots murdering children can ever claim the moral high ground. The "right" is not perfect, and many individuals have made mistakes. But their platform does not include infanticide, that's the left. You have no room to talk until you stop murdering babies.

    Evil is as evil does.


    Obama vote against Born Alive Infant Protection Act.

    Both Obamas black supremacist.

    Both Obamas socialist.

    Obama no experience in executive branch.

  11. I am Black and White People Love me.

    I love White People too.

    God Bless America.

  12. It's interesting that you would look at the individual and convict the accused before the verdict is in.  Speaks volumes abut the questioner.

    Of the parties:

    Dem.s were:

    Pro Slavery,

    Founders of the KKK,

    Against Women's right to vote,

    Against Civil Rights -voted against it in '57 and 64.

    Against desegregation of both the military and public Schools

    Were/Are in favor of controlling minority birth rates -- Abortion/ Margaret Sanger

    Far more adulterers in their party (FDR, JFK, LBJ, Bill Clinton)

    Repubs. were:

    For abolition of Slavery,

    Supported Women's right to vote

    Pro Civil Rights (Pres. Eisenhower charged Congress to pass a bill in '57, Repub. lead Congress in '64 pushed one through even though the dem.s filibustered against it)

    Pro Desegregation - Repub. Pres. Eisenhower forced desegregation policy, had to call out the National Guard to enforce it.

    Busted in Watergate - Nixon.

  13. Neither party.  Morality is a singular, personal matter that has nothing to do with political affiliation.  Your question wasn't really a question was it?  It was a statement.  And the fact that you included a 17 year old teen pregnancy in your little scenario leads me to question your morality.

  14. Obama is an admitted drug user of both pot and cocaine which you conveniently left out.

    Plus you forgot to include Michelle Obama's pay tripled where she worked at after her husband became a senator.  Her hospital also got seven million dollars in earmarks from Obama.

    Plus you forgot there are several lies and embellishments in  Obama's two books.

    Plust Obama lied about the extent of his relationship with Rezko, Wright and Ayers.

    So think again before you go spouting off about moral character.

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