
Which path would you choose? ?

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Say you are given two choices in life. Which path would you choose and why?

A.) You have the option for free education your entire life. You can attend college without paying a cent. You can attend any college you wish without restriction. Yet, you will not get any free rides with your grades. You will need to work to make something of the free education you are receiving. Likewise, you will still need to work to pay for your living expenses.

B.) You are given 2 million dollars (tax free I will add). With this option, you are not allowed to attend college. You cannot take the 2 million and enroll in school to get a higher education. You can take the money and spend it on whatever you wish, except you are not allowed to spend it on any type of education past the 12th grade. You may continue to work if you wish to additional money for living expenses.




  1. with out hessitation i might take A

    but like you say.. i wont get free ride on grades... and im not good at that..


    i can take the money

    keep working to make more

    and when i die burn it all


    (ps. i will die in 2-3 years due to overdose both drinking and drug abuse

  2. i would pick A. it is kind of like the saying "if you give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, but if you teach a man to fish he will eat for a lifetime". i would rather put in a little work and enable myself to get a good job, than to get alot of money now and not have a way to get more when that runs out.

  3. A)  Because I understand the importance of education.  

    Money can leave you in no time.  One wrong investment and it is wiped clean.  But with education you can have skills which will last you a lifetime and then you can earn 2 millions or even more if you want.  Chances are with education I will be enlightened enough to know how much importance should be given to money.

  4. Definitely B. I would endeavor to be self-educated. With option A. the only thing you're getting is formal education, no guaranty of a degree, and a very difficult task of making a living and making grades at the same time. The freedom and time that B. affords would give me the opportunity to pursue the knowledge that I am interested in acquiring. The knowledge is what's important to me, not the degree.

  5. I will choose free education as it will expand my knowledge. While money is important to satisfy basic needs of life there is nothing like education which opens up all the windows of mind to let in lights of knowledge from all quarters.

  6. My first thought was A, because as I've said before, knowledge should be an on-going, daily achievement.  But when I think of it, I would love the 2 mil to go traveling, exploring and acquiring knowledge this way and also be able to share the wealth.  I have a lot of books now, but think how many you could purchase!  

  7. I'd take the money.

    While I'd enjoy trying to better myself through education my heath would not allow me to. So I'd take the money and try to do something equally fulfilling to better my personal situation.

    Like maybe paying to have my books published.

  8. I'd choose B.  There are other ways to learn than just by going to college (I did the college thing, I didn't really learn much. And I was there 5 1/2 years)

  9. It depends on what we mean by "education" I think. Every experience has in it an opportunity to learn. But if we're talking about the narrow idea of "education" as buy the institutions that seek to educated in some way, then I'd take the 2 mil hands-down. Many a person throughout human history has given great gifts to humanity without a so called "formal education". But if You told me that I could never read Homer, Thoreau, Emerson, a good science mag, or take a walk in the woods again, I'd take the free education....:)


  10. I'd take the 2 million - isn't that the reason most people go to school? To be able to get a better job and make more money? Plus I'm terrible with book work and I hate school. Haha. Interesting question though.

  11. A, without a doubt.

    I have always enjoyed education and learning.  I already have an BA and wish to continue to earn a MA and PhD.  If given that opportunity I can not only get a great education from a great school, but the pressure of being able to pay for it would be wiped out and better allow me focus on my studies, even if i had to worry about living expenses.  That's a small price to pay for such an amazing opportunity.

    The money means nothing to me.  $2 million without an education would go towards what? A large house, some cars and material items?  I could EARN that through the education i received for FREE.  Nothing beats earning something.  Plus all of the work towards my education would prove the free education worth it and not a free pass.  Education, if you earn your keep, should be free.  As long as you appreciate it.

  12. I think choice A is better,

    how can I refuse such a wonderful choice of free education,

    any college, all the libraries at my disposal,

    unlimited education, i will not mind working for my expenses, it will give me pleasure to work hard a for food and living expenses to get back some respect in lieu of free education.

    All other comforts and relations are insignificant, relations exclusionary and temporary, so waste of time and energy,

    the acquiring of knowledge is supreme and I could trade in anything for this.

  13. OPTION 2 is the most favouritable of all choices! I can learn all Sony Walkman of life from the virtual world or from reality world 2. What is school? lol. YUCKs! with 2 milllions, I can learn from who and whom I wanna to hire. U did not mention the most important word or term and the most wanted place called THE NET OR THE INTERNET of AND that's the place i am learning from.

    d**n dump dump to lay such as option for 2. hahaah......well, it's a fact, 2 is alway the best choice than the rest........heee, silly! Easy money also dunno how to earn it and learn it. anyway now u all know from the 2. i am 2. hahah

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