
Which people do you think get on well between Chinese and Japanese ?

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Which people do you think get on well between Chinese and Japanese ?




  1. in my opinion, none are better than the other. i'm chinese singaporean but i don't hate the japanese for torturing my maternal grandfather into insanity and getting my paternal grandfather to do such hard work that he was plagued by diseses right after the war ended in singapore. these things should be forgotten. however, it is inevitable that there will always be a line of tension between them ; after all, i can forget, but it's not easy for those still alive who suffered at the hands of the japanese or the chinese to forget.  

  2. Japanese

  3. Koreans, they both know China and Japan.....

  4. The Hookers and Pimps!

  5. The Chinese HATE the Japanese. This hatred of the Japanese is fueled and encouraged by the CCP, or, Chinese Communist Party. It also has a long history in the Chinese culture. The Mandarin word for Japanese translates as 'Brown Dwarf Pirates'

    The hatred also has historical justification to some degree. The Japanese invaded China in 1937,and pillaged,raped,murdered,etc. more than 200,000 innocent people(Chinese) in the city of Nanking (Nanjing).

    An excellent book about this event is chronicalled by Iris Chang, in her book 'The Rape of Nanking' , which I highly recommend. It will change your perspective and your thinking. The book should be MANDATORY reading in both Japanese and Chinese schools.

  6. To Tengri, I don't hate Japanese and I'm Chinese, most of my friends don't hate Japanese either, we grew up in Manga and Japanese TV shows, and we know Chinese did horrible things too, Chinese government hides the truth, like Japanese, we're both East Asians, we're no better than them.

    One thing you're right, Chinese government encouraged it for its own purpose, but it changes all the time when the policy changes-----this spring, the media's attitude towards Japan turned 180 degrees after Chinese prime minister visited Japan, and Japan reacted quick by donating 5 million USD to China in this earthquake.

    for the time being, the under dog is S.Korea, not Japan, and you know what, there was a poll taken both in China and Japan's forum----which country is the sickest in the world? Both countries' answer is S.Korea, it steals our cultures claiming it's Korea's.

    I think any unpleasant history can be forgotten, the conflicts between Japan and China are superficial and short termed----the real deep conflicts is racial , religions and cultural, like east and west.

    Back to topic , neither Chinese nor Japanese is easy to get on well, they're monogemous societies, they hold caution towards foreigners, though they may have big smiles on their faces.

  7. all this hate is ridiculous. I know each side commited horrible things, but native americans also suffered from european americans and I see no hate between them. in the last 500 years millions of natives died. maybe europeans should never discover north and south america.

  8. In my view post World war II Japanese are better & for Chinese we are yet to recover from Chine-Hindi Bahai Bahai & encroachment on Indian soil even today says a lot as to how they get on well with their neighbours despite India's old silk route ties.  

  9. Strange S is an idiot. U can't just choose between ppl.

    Me, as for now, i'd say none. But for business it's chinese, unless it's the automobile industry. But for fun, it's japanese...mostly cus of anime and tentacles.

    i'd say, just go for the vietnamese.

  10. Just check out the No. of people suicide per year per thousand

      Chinese are well at that point  

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