
Which person would you most likely want to date?

by Guest65475  |  earlier

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1- 10th grader boy in high school who wears hollister clothing all the time, and keeps up with fads, wears what everyone else wears and only hangs out with popular people at school, and is extremely judgemental and has very rich parents who spoil him. Parents are doctors and lawers who are happily married.

#2- A somewhat bully in grade 10, who attemps/takes other student's money and makes them do his homework and might push them in into a locker once in a while, but is also very smart in school and gets good grades.However he is nice to certain girls. Lives with just his mom.

#3- The cocky jock who plays all the sports, thinks he is better than everyone else and does okay in school, and is also rude to most people, but can also have a soft side that he shows very rarely Most of his friends are all also jocks and all sit at the same lunch table.. Lives with his parents who are happily married.

#4- Depressed emo boy in grade 10 who tries to fit in with people, might be a loner and skips school sometimes, and doesn't talk to many people and just keeps to himself, but also smokes, wears his hair in a weird style down in his face, he skips school often but he is a talented drawer/artist.He can seem a little weird when you talk to him but there might be something alive in him. Lives with his dad/ Parents are divorced.

#5 10th grader boy who has extremely expensive jewelry hanging off his neck, silver and gold rings on his fingers, many piercings on his ears and is abnormally muscular for a 10th grader, but sells drugs like marijuana and cocaine to make a load of money to people at school, skips school often. However thought, doesn't do drugs himself.Also has a very mysterious look to him. He acts very nice to everyone and does not seem judgemental. Lives his his older brother and does not have a relationship with his parents.

#6- A more of a quiet study person (would be called a geek) who gets Straight As and is not very social. He has a few friends, but they are also like him. He is very shy around most people but can be sweet too.

Out of these 6 people, who would you be most interested in/want to know more about them and try to get to know them betteR?

And why? explain please. Thanks!




  1. 6. The rest just sound like pricks. I hope this is just a question out of interest though, not for advice on who YOU should date. Because you can't just pick a guy to like because he is the "coolest" or "hottest". You have to actually like them.

  2. 6

  3. Number 6 - but I answer that out of wisdom, not hormones.

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