
Which pet is the best pet to get??

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  1. depends on your lifestyle and tollerance level:

    cats are low maintenance, you can come home late and they are very indepent

    dogs require more attention

    fish are easy to maintain but they die easily

  2. rats make great pets. they are easy to take care of and very affectionate. or a hamster. maybe a few fish if you want something really easy to take care of

  3. you need a pet that will fit easily into your lifestyle. Do you live in an apartment or a house with a yard. Do you like to take long walks or do you sit around and watch movies for fun. Dogs need to go out, cats like to cuddle, you cant pet a fish, hampsters can be taken out at your leisure.

    Look at your lifestyle and do some research

  4. That depends on how much money and time you have to devote to carrying for your pet.

  5. Whys everyone saying that fish are easy to look after? :S

    There not. And there boring so dont get a fish.

    I would gett a cat tbh. They can be left alone for periods of time, and they do like to be on there own sometimes but they are also loving and like to sit on your lap. easy to look after. And they entertain themselves alot of the time. :)


  6. a cat they are independent and will only stay if they want to

    forget it if you want loyalty

  7. who will pay for its food and vets bills, who will look after it when you are away on holiday? you have to think of that before you decide

  8. Im not ebing rude but if you don't know what pet to get then do you know how to look after any pet you do get. No point in getting an animal if you don't know how to look after it. Do research on the types of animals your interested in, reptiles or rodents or fish and then choose which one you think you can realistically look after and afford!

  9. OK fish are not east to look after you need to know a lot about them, the set up and their requirements, just like any other animal. You would need to do water changes and med treatment for fish is quite a challenge sometimes. It annoys me that people treat fish so bad and expendable.

    I would get a pair of rats, they are generally clean, friendly and easy going as a pet. They need a good sized cage and cleaning out but they can be taught tricks and are easy to handle. They enjoy baths and treats. I would get a couple of rats.

    things to think about before getting a pet, why do you want a pet, how much will they cost each year to look after properly, how much will the cost be to get said pet and everything it needs, will you get bored, how will you pay vets bills, who will look after the pet when you are not there and stop caring for the pet after a few weeks???????

  10. i think a cat

  11. It depends on what you are looking for. If you want some kind of companionship and can look after it and afford it then get a puppy. But they are a high maintenance animal for sure. Cats are a medium maintenance animal but they still provide you with a bond, some more than others. They are also semi-expensive to maintain and your time is required. Fish are pretty easy but you have to maintain them also. The water has to be kept clean. Aquariums and accessories can get expensive. If you want a really high maintenance animal then get a ferret. That will keep you busy. Once they are trained, they are great but man are they stubborn. And they have a musky odor. Rats are a good starter pet; they bond with owners and of low-medium maintanence. Just make sure that you are willing to put the time and effort into caring for another living creature. If you cannot afford the expenses that come along with owning a pet, then it's not for you. Pets deserve loving and responsible owners.

  12. i like turtles, even if it looks weird, but they are so cute, especially the big ones.

    i have two "male n female" and their babies.

    that looks weird ha!

  13. depends where you live, how much time you have to spend with the animial, what kind you like, what kinds of pets do you have etc.

  14. best for interacting with = dog

    best for easy care = fish

    in between = cat

    something different = kestrel

  15. Fish, because they are easy to look after and quite cheap.

  16. i personally prefer a dog! i am 24 and had a white lab from the time i was 2 she passed when i was 15! now i have a 4yrs old pointing yellow lab and shes my baby! good luck

  17. i think the best pet you could get is a rabbit.

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