
Which pet is the easiest to take care of?

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Hamster or fish? Please help. I want a pet!




  1. Fish is easier. Just feed it and clean its bowl. You can even get a filter thingy so that you don't even have to clean it! Hamsters are definetely more interesting. A fish swims around its bowl and sees you, the next time it swims around, it will have forgotten you and will think you are something new!

    A hamster remembers who you are and eagerly awaits your return!

  2. lets be totally honest and un-biased about it. any pet no matter what it is will have its own requirements to give it the best possible quality of life, even a goldfish. the bottom line is, is when you are bored with it are you still going to look after it, whatever it is it will still want fed, watered, cleaned out, vets bills and a multitude of other things. i dont want to sound horrible but i would suggest you take all these things into concideration and if you still want a pet then you should decide. fish are asthetically (look nice) pleasing, rodents (rats, mice,hamsters, guinea pigs etc can be great fun if handled properly as babies and taught not to bite. ferrets are great fun, full of character and robust, and nothing like what is said of them, me myself have 1 x St Bernard, 2 x German Shepherd`s, 1 x Swainson x buzzard, 2 Harris Hawks, 2 Red Tailed Hawks, 2 x European Eagle Owls, 4 x Begal Eagle Owls and 7 Ferrets. good luck in whatever you decide

  3. any pet that does not require daily handling will be easier to take care of.. but not all fish are easy.. Goldfish and Bettas are probably the easiest..

    here is a great link for you..

    and is my reccommended pet  

  4. DEFINITELY fish! They are stupid and only require you to clean their tank and give them food.

  5. A fish is the easiest! As long as you take care of them you can can keep them alive for 4 years! I had fish for 3 years! A hampster can get wet tail and need a vet! Then most vets wont see a hampster

  6. i think fish

  7. i would say hamster. :) I know alot of people on here will say fish but, the difficulty with keeping fish is that the water has to be perfect!! its hard to feed them the correct amount of food.

    Hamster are pretty simple to look after and are loveing pets.

  8. i would definitely go for a hamster because fish die like in 3 days!!!!

    i had a hamster but it died last week it lived for four years!

    her name was princess penelope sunflower J!

    and i thought it was so much fun to clean her cage and make it so i felt like an interior designer!!!

    hope this helps and have fun with you fish or your hamster!!!!!

    good luck!!!!!!

  9. i have 5 chihuahuas and 1 german short haired pointer  and 3 birds so I have no idea nothing that i have also have a fish tank.

  10. Depends.  A fish aquarium is a lot of work.  Especially if its a salt water aquarium.  If thats what youre thinking of I'd go with a hampster.

    However if youre thinking of something like a goldfish or a beta fish in a fish bowl than that is easier than a hampster.  All you have to do is feed it a little in the morning and change the water every two weeks.  

  11. believe it or not its hamster fish are not that easy to keep you need to monitor the nitrite nitrate and ammonia levels in a tank they are more costly to run than a hamster with a heater and a pump.

  12. Hamsters are definately cheaper and easier to care for unless you already have a nice tank, water heater/regulator, lighting assembly, filter, supplies needed to maintain the chemical balance of the water, food, plants, ornaments, gravel, etc etc.  If you purchase fish and want them to live long and healthy lives they will need a lot of costly equipment.  Hamsters on the other hand only need a cage, litter (wood shavings), a water bottle, food, chew sticks, little plastic recreational structures, and attention.  Plus, you can hold a hamster.  Fish generally panic when touched.  

  13. I have a fish and a hamster. The easiest way is hamster. You set up his home(cage or you can use an aquarium), place some shavings and food (you can give him fruits or  veggies like carrots and cabbage, lettuce,etc) and juice(fresh fruit juice) to keep his coat shiny and healthier. Cleaning can be done once or twice a week, and that is only to change the shavings.

    Fish in the other hand, it can be easy too. Provided you have a great filtering system, you know the right temperature for them. You feed them simply by tapping fishfood. Simple. But when you clean, it can be long hours but happens only a couple of months.

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