
Which philosopher have you gleaned the most insight from?

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Which philosopher have you gleaned the most insight from?




  1. For the theoretical, Martin Heideger and his "Zein und Zeit," "Being and Time."

    For the practical, Fyodor Dostoevsky and his "Brothers Karamazov," the grand inquisitor section.

    --- Every day is a good day to an aesthete.

  2. Pythagaros- drowned a student for discussing the embarrassing revelation of irrational numbers outside of class.

    Numbers are the ultimate reality!!!!!!!

  3. Karl Marx!!

    He had all the answers!

    Socialism/communism/marxism is still the most viable alternative to democracy! It's a pity his work has somewhat been distorted by Communist Russia! Aii!

    Famous Quote : " Religion is opium for the masses"

  4. Nietzsche.

  5. I cannot say which single philosopher has had the biggest impact on the way i view the world as it is for i am merely a thought box in its own entirety. All thoughts are worthy of commemoration but i will go against the grain and choose hitler. Now i know what you are thinking "oh no an internet troll trying to spark an conversation". No... Rather i offer this simple question... Other than god... who is one person the majority of americans recognize by merely the name? Adolf Hitler did unforgivable things. No argument there. But look through his eyes..... He was a man offering his country power and greatness in a time of need and he was willing to spot at nothing to achieve power for the country he called home. He devised a systematic, cut throat, detailed plan of attack to achieve his goal. Therefor I am willing to consider Aldof Hitler as a philosopher because he taught me that if you have a dream any dream dont let it be a dream make it your reality. He had a very foolish way of accomplishing this dream and i do not agree with it i am only saying that there was a lesson you just had to dig for itt

  6.   Buddha, it all seems right to not harm etc,and karma, though sometimes it takes a while to return.

  7. Put karl Popper in there("sir karl").

    Almost alone,he strongly hinted that we can "go beyond"decarte and others-that we should always try,so-to-speak.

    That we have, shows the power and precision of popper's work;And that critically learning from ones mistakes is a "tide"that even philosophy cannot hold back(try as it might,as some parts of it still patently do).

  8. myself- my insight and how much i trust, believe and give opinions gives me the most fulfillment.

  9. I "Kant" answer that. I hope you get that.

  10. Rupa Goswami.. He lived about 500 years ago in Vrndavana, India.

    He wrote many wonderful books on the science of Bhakti Yoga. The Science of Pure Love of Godhead.

    But the one great philosopher and follower of Rupa Goswami who really changed my entire outlook on life, is A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. The founder Acarya of ISKCON.

    He translated so many of the Vedic literatures into English, which were then translated into many other languages.

    His greatest work is. Srimad Bhagavatam (Bhagavata purana) which is a great 18,000 verse transcendental epic, generally accepted as the Cream of Vedic Literature.

    He translated many other works of the Vedic literature. ie. Bhagavad-gita As It Is, Chaitanya Charitamrta, Sri Isopanisad, Sri Upadeshamrita, Bhakti Rsamrita Sindhu,Teachings of Lord Kapila, Teachings of Lord Chaitanya, Teachings of Queen Kunti etc etc etc..

    Take care. Best wishes.


  11. i would have to say descates because i learned to question everything for th measure of questioning everything

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