
Which phone company is best????

by  |  earlier

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i have tmobile and i dnt get service anywere i dont want a company that will cheat me out of money and im stuck between at&t and verizon.. SUGGESTIONS??




  1. verizon.i get service everywhere.

  2. i have at&T... it sucks i dont even get reception in some parts of my house, verizon however, gets reception everywhere, me an a couple of my friends went up to this camp in the moutains w/ like over 300 ppl and the only ppl that had reception up there were the ppl w/ verizon

  3. verizon you get reception everywhere

  4. No company wants to cheat you. stick with the major mobile dealers. At&t, T-mobile, Sprint, Verizon. T-mobile has the lowest prices but I see you dont get service. Good luck

  5. What about alltel? they have good service and phones

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