
Which photo is your LEAST favorite??

by  |  earlier

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P.S. An explanation would be nice.




  1. Wow, those are really good! I don't think any of them are bad, but my least favorite is the grasshopper one, because the others are just better, lol. Sorry, I couldn't come up with a good explanation.

  2. first off, congrats! those are the most amazing pictures! the only one that doesnt really satnd out to me is "my little chick" because it just is sorta in a bad backaround and it doesnt seem that artsy. nice job though! i love the first one, and you back yard is amazing!

  3. Did you have permission from the owner/owners of these photos to publish them here?  At least 2 or 3 are VERY well known pics on the internet!

  4. I would say the Natural Color Popping just because it is kind of just there in the middle. I'm probably not explaining myself right, but it doesn't really stand out compared to the other pictures.

    You have a really nice eye though and I LOVE the ones with the ladybug!.

  5. all

  6. OMGoodness!  These are beautiful pic.s!    :D   The only one that I don't really like is the 2nd pic. the natural popping one. I love all the rest.  :]

  7. "Backyard" on the left is my least favorite since it is taken at an extreme distance and has no real detail in it.

    The pictures are VERY well taken.  You have an eye for photography but you asked for my least favorite.

  8. I think all of them are beautiful !!! ;)

  9. Far right, second one down titled "ladybug." It's not very well framed, and it's too blurry.

  10. the ladybug on the stem

  11. The first backyard one. It's not interesting and just too plain.

  12. Wow those are really beautiful pictures! Ahh this is a hard one.. Maybe the first one of the chick, I don't like the background too much :/ Personal opinion though

    I love the lady bug pictures though!

  13. interesting !!

    i like all of them

    you have great talent

    but i dont realy like the

    lady bug on a stem

    i think the colors a little dark and the cricket scares me



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