Would you please teach me a name and address of physical store, not online store, which sells Oh Boy! Oberto Beef Jerky Original if you would be so kind to me?
The sale's:
Location: in Tokyo, Japan.
The Oh Boy! Oberto Beef Jerky Original's:
Manufacturer: Oberto Sausage Company.
Universal Product Code-A (UPC-A): 028400030489.
URL: http://www.ohboyoberto.com/products/?cid... .
Reason of:
A. the asking:
1a. I would like to purchase the Beef Jerky.
1b. I miss the Beef Jerky.
2. I googled and sought the name and address, but have not found it.
B. the purchase from physical store in the Tokyo not from a store in the U.S.:
I don't afford- cost for international shipment of the Beef Jerky- financially.
Thank you for your time and help for me!