
Which picture of my daughter...?

by  |  earlier

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which picture of my daughter should i put on my work desk...




her name is Payton




  1. she is adorable and i think any of them would be good but i personally like the first one

  2. I wouldn't post pictures of my children on the net~too many weirdos can do too much with them now that everyone has photoshop.

  3. Awww! She's so cute! I like the third one. :]

  4. first one

  5. The 2nd one.

  6. they are all adorable but i like number one the best that looks like her play side of things... she is a beauty and a charmer too...

  7. 1

  8. i love the first one

  9. All of them!  She's adorable. If I had to choose one, I would pick the first.  But what's important is which one YOU like best.  

  10. They are all cute but i like the first one best.

  11. get a 3-picture-frame and put all three of them in.

    but if i had to choose i'd say the first one.

  12. i would put them all up on your desk she is way to cute to just pick one pic

  13. put the pic yopu like on hun

  14. 1 she looks so happy I'm sure that would brighten anyone's day

  15. the first one...she is a beautiful little girl

  16. the one that makes you smile. it will help when your having a bad day.

  17. the first one. she's so cute!

  18. the first one

  19. I like EVERY SINGLE ONE. Which one do you like? Pick your favorite. If you like them all, put them all on your desk!!! :)

    By the way, careful about posting pictures on here..  

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