
Which pictures look the best?

by  |  earlier

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It's my summer project for school. We had to take 3 pictures that describe us. All of these pictures describe me but I'm not sure which ones look the best. Please pick the best 3 =)

(I meant to keep my eyes out of the picture too)

Thanks =)




  1. I loved the pictures. The third picture was fantastic- it took in the beautiful scenery, and gave you a mystical, magical look with the shadows- almost as if it were taken by a professional. But the last picture showed who you are. Down to earth, caring, and a normal person that lives in a beautiful part of the country. I actually liked all the pictures- they were a treat compared to most of them on here. But the fourth picture  captured a softness and a serenity about you that the others didn't. If I were a friend of yours, this would be the picture that I would like to keep.

  2. You look really good in the second one  

  3. i think the best three are the second, third, and fifth! you are very pretty.

  4. i like the second one

  5. i think the 2nd 3rd and last!

  6. the 2nd one is ur best looking one

  7. rhe 1st or the 3rd =] very pretty!!

  8. the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th one!

  9. second

  10. I really like the third one, and i think it would be a great choice. I like how your just a dark shadow and then its all scenery and color. Very cool. And also its really original, and artsy. :]

  11. 2nd

  12. I like the third

  13. I think the third, fourth, & fifth one are good.

    they show your artistic, love music,& love dogs.

    the the second one is good ,too. its dramatic but in a good way.

    (be careful when you post pics on public sites like never know who's looking)

  14. first



    ...those are thes best. i really rweally liek the first one the best though...

  15. third

  16. the last one because it shows you appreciate life animals sports the outdoors and yourself good luck with your project

  17. first and third, they're not just your normal pics, i  like them the best

  18. the second one and the last one ;)

  19. the third one

  20. I like your legs hehehe!

  21. I like the 3rd one it is very nice. I like 2nd to you are a very pretty girl

  22. i really like the second and third.

    mostly the third

    fourth is bad;...

  23. I like the second, fourth and fifth

  24. 3rd 4th and 5th. the first 2 look like your boring as h**l, which i'm sure your not :). 3rd is a s**y picture and in the 4th and 5th your actually doing something. That's it, but btw, just looking at the 5th picture i'm jealous of your property. i live in Alabama where its trees as far as the eye can see, so for some weird reason i just love wide open spaces.

  25. The third one is my favorite. It's a really good picture.

  26. The last three.

    The other ones are showing too much skin and I don't know how they are at your school but at mine we would get in trouble for that.

  27. You look good in the ones where I can see you, but as far as the best picture goes I like the third  (silhouette type) the most .  Amazing scenery...if that's where you live, you're lucky.  Oh, if both ends of that sofa recline, it's just like mine!


  28. The third I think is really pretty. It makes you look like a country girl, and you're kind of in a cowgirl pose....

    The first one is good photography. Except your bum is almost showing and I don't know what the teacher would think about that.

  29. 2,3, and 5

    I really like them

  30. i think 2- cos its a nice photo of you.

    and 3- cos its artistic

  31. i really like the second one

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