
Which pitcher do you think will get more save opportunities for the rest of the season- S. Torres or K. Wood?

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I am torn on this one. I must trade one of the two. Torres is reliable for the Brewers but Sheets and Sabathia pitch a lot of complete games, so that would definitley cut down on Torres's save opportunities. Kerry Wood would get plenty of save opportunities now because the Cubs are red hot and he is healthy again. But you never know with Wood. He could go back on the DL again for any given reason at any given time. So who should I trade and why?




  1. Defiently Saloman Torres.  But I think as the season winds down Ned Yost will cut down on the complete games for CC, just to preserve him for the Playoffs.  As for Sheets, he havent been tossing that many complete games anyways, he have only pitched one in his last 9 games.

    I get the feeling Wood will be placed on the DL immediately if he even sneezes.  I think the Cubs secretly want to use Samardzija for that job, but dont know how to tell Wood.

  2. Wood

  3. I like Torres less pressure from guys on his team

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