
Which place is better to go on vacation for 13 year old kids?

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bush gardens

or animail kingdom




  1. Bush Gardens is absolutley awsome for a 13 year old. I'm that age and we went their on a class trip. There's tons of coasters (some of which going upside-down.) A lot of the rides are high speed too. There's games and water rides too.

    Animal Kingdom in Disney? It has a mostly animals and one rollar coaster. It would be ok IF you were planning to talke the kid to the other 3 Disney Parks as well.

  2. I feel weird, being the only one saying this, but Animal Kingdom all the way! I think that's because I'm not a fan of huge rides, so if you (or whoever is 13) doesn't like big rides go to Animal Kingdom.

    The most intense ride is Expedition Everest, which was super fun, and not too scary. The scariest ride is DINOSAUR! even though it's not a roller coaster. Be warned! xD

    Some other fun rides were this spinny rollercoaster, and a rapids ride, and both were very fun.

    Have fun wherever you go!

  3. Definitly Animal Kingdom! ALL THE WAY!

  4. bush gardens theres more actual rides a thirteen year old would like

    (trust me im 14)

  5. Actually, when i was 12 (almost 13) my family went to Bush gardens. We also went to the grand canyon that year. The grand canyon trip was awesome. It made Bush gardens look boring.

  6. They are both somewhat similar yet completley different.

    Busch Gardens has more roller coasters without a doubt. Even so I prefer Animal Kingdom. I love the Disney theme at ALL of their parks.

    If you haven't done any of the Disney parks...Animal Kingdom all the way. Or if your family is more of the thrillseeking variety I would choose Busch Gardens.

    Both parks are a lot of fun. You will enjoy either one!

  7. Try one then the other.

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