
Which place is both cheap and good for an international student for his study and accommodation in NY?

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I am a student from some Asian country interested to join Aeronautical Engineering in some college in NY.So Iam curiously looking for a cheap college that provides good education (in NY). Guys! which one must be appropriate place for me from the point of cheap but good education and hence a cheap accommodation.I would be thankful to have my curiosity addressed.Thanks guys n have a blast day!




  1. I do not think that Cheap and New York ever go together. New York, Florida, California, these are areas that all have a very high cost of living.

    You would be better off looking in Texas, Washington (State, not Washington DC), just about any other state. Look for State Universities. The state government helps fund them so they are cheaper. Each university will have a website and it will tell you the average cost of going there per semester. They generally will include an average that has housing, meals, tuition, books...everything but spending money.

    Then email them about cost. They answer this question all they time. They can also help you to find money to pay for part of this.

  2. As the previous answerer stated, the words 'cheap' and 'New York' are very rarely used in the same sentence. New York is one of the most expensive States for both tuition and living costs.

    Even the State universities in New York City, while not expensive will cost you around $4,320 (CUNY) a semester and this does not include the fees or the text books. If you want to lessen the cost of your education for the first two years while you complete the general studies requirements then I suggest you look at public community colleges since this will half the cost of tuition, around $2,280 per semester.

    Once you have completed your general studies requirements then transfer to a four-year university to complete the final two years of your Bachelor's degree.

    Just remember that the above prices do not include any fees that the university adds, the costs of books, transportation, housing, medical insurance and your own personal expenses.

    If you want a guideline of how much housing is going to cost you then is a good place to start.

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