
Which places let minors under 16 volounteer?

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I am a minor and I'd like to volunteer more so where can I?

PS I'm really responsible and on the high honor roll and in Enrichment




  1. Hospitals. I volunteer at the hospital once a week, it will look good on you resume when you go get a job.

  2. I think most animal shelters will let you.

  3. mostly at schools or a church or evn ask ur community -village (w/e-sp?)

  4. Here in the small town I live in you can volunteer at the Humane Society and any of the old folks homes.

  5. At any Hospital, Cancer society any organization

  6. Most food banks would let you sort food, food kitchens would probably let you serve, and animal shelters always need another hand.

  7. when i was that age i volunteered at our local zoo, and our library. it was fun. yeah call around and ask. people love volunteers.

  8. Check out your local hospital. All hospitals have "candy striper" programs for high school students. I did the program where I lived in high school for four years, once a week.

  9. lots of place will let you volunteer but you will probably need a parent or some older than 18 there with you. I volunteer at my local animal shelter. My dad must be there with me to supervise.

  10. well what I do for community service is i work at an animal shelter, and its cool, cuz u can pick your own hours, and you get to have fun with kitties and puppies! i did that every sunday for 4 hours for a long time and i have filled in all my community service hours and more!

  11. if you're under 16, then you can't volunteer with animals or in a hospital. everything else, like helping in nursing homes, cleaning up the city, library work  soup kitchen etc. are fine to do.

  12. Food banks. Maybe vet clinics. Call around

  13. try child care, babysitting.

  14. clinics to play with kids in waiting rooms, also food banks,  child centers, soup kitchen, church, doctors, tutor

  15. I believe most places would be happy to let you volunteer there, especially food banks, animal shelters or nursing homes. One good idea might be to get involved with your local 4-H or similar youth outreach program because they typically allow for teens to have multiple opportunities for all sorts of volunteer work. Good luck finding's wonderful that you actually want to be involved in such a positive activity.

  16. you should sign up for walks, soup kitchens, senior centers, and the library. i would recomend join key club, a club dedicated to community service. it's fun and you get to meet new people. you should join with your friends!

  17. Hospitals

  18. libraries

    summer camsp


  20. wel im 14 and they have let e volunteer at the library, building houses for some charity tht i cant remeber right now, and a lot fo other things

    you proly just need to go to a volunteer search website, there they will have prolly w/e ur looking for

  21. Relay for life teams, school tutoring/mentoring programs, habitat for humanity, animal shelters may, and local church charities

  22. um day cares, libraries, camps, summer schools, teacher's assistant etc.

  23. The hospital. I did that and it was A LOT of fun. Or you can walk dogs at the animal shelter.

  24. Awesome! Well, when I was 14 I volunteered @ a nursing home & became very attached to the elderly.

  25. in a couple of weeks ill be volunteering at my local hospital so i can get used to being around people cause i want to be a vet and help animals

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