
Which planet do you think that the human being can live if the earth cannot longer to be lived by human??

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many scientist said it would be mars do you think




  1. Mars would be the easiest.  It presents the fewest problems.  The day is nearly the same as the Earth's, just slightly longer.  The temperature is a little colder, so you bundle up a little more. There is an atmosphere, but you'll have to carry your own oxygen and pressure system.  Harder problems include protection from cosmic rays and high energy light - xrays and gamma rays.  The Earth's atmosphere and magnetosphere perform these tasks.  One could simply live underground.

    But the Earth would have to be in really bad shape to make it harder to live on than Mars.

  2. there is no way out, you know GOD created the earth so that  human being can live here. but other people are trying to find another way of life, but there is no chance.

    We live in earth we are not going anywhere.

  3. moon , one of the other moon on saturn or whatever. mars maybe if we build good bases there.

  4. You may want to study English before you dive into astronomy.  I don't know about anyone else, but I can't figure out what you're asking.

  5. None!

    Mars would be the only option because it's the closest planet. It would take too long for a human to travel to any other planet with our current technology. But it gets as cold as -250 °F at night, has little or no Atmosphere, and no Magnetic Field to protect you from harsh Radiation.  There are also constant wind, sand, and tornado's on mars.

    So basically you would die from Cancer very quickly on mars from all the radiation unless you were inside a giant lead structure, or freeze to death, or get trapped in a tornado/sand storm etc.  And I don't think living underground in Mars is even a feasible option.  

    Basically we are stuck here until someone figures out how to travel at an extremely high speed, and finds a planet with the environmental qualities of our earth.

  6. mars.i mean if human could breath in that.cuz theres no other option.

  7. The main impediment to living on a moon or planet is whether it's hospitable.  Although Venus is almost a twin of Earth, the atmospheric pressure at the planet's surface is 92 times that of the Earth.  Mercury's temperature ranges from 100K to 700K (-279 F to 800 F).

    Which leaves us with Mars.  But luckily for us, astronomers have discovered over 160+ moons in our own solar system.  Although much work lies ahead in weeding out the ones which are inhospitable, we suddenly have a world of options.  The trick to converting them into viable globes is to create magnetic fields on them to block out cosmic rays and to protect any water from being photo-dissociated by solar uv.  Then it's a simple matter of building rich and thick atmospheres on them to block out gamma, uv and x-rays.

    So the first order of priority is understanding what strength of magnetic field is required to block out cosmic rays.  Using magnetometers and other instruments, we'd see if there's a global magnetic field to begin with.  If not, we'd have to tap various technologies to create a dynamo which in turn creates the magnetic field.  Superconducting Rings, ranging from 4 to 15 Tesla, may be the most efficient and quickest way.  Ferrofluids, if they impart a strong enough magnetic field, may be another possibility.  Drilling a shaft with CO2 lasers and pouring in molten liquid iron-nickel-cobalt is yet another alternative.

    Write to your space agency to have a moon or planet  terraformed/bioformed.  

    Petition your space agency to offload water from Earth to other moons and planets since we're drowning in water while they keep looking for it all over the universe.

  8. the human being can definetly not live on mars. there have been ideas to fly to a moon of saturn which is called europa, it is a little bit like planet earth, but far away. in reality i guess, there is no other planet to live on, so we should try to make it possible to live here for a long time.

  9. Nowhere.

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