
Which planet has been bursted and recreated in our solar system?

by Guest61515  |  earlier

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Is anybody known, which planet has been bursted and recreated in our solar system. Or anything related to burted and recreated.




  1. To be more exact, the Sun will explode, but it is predicted only to swallow everything up to Mars. Then, yes it will collapse to a Dwarf. And the process is called supernova, not the result.

    To answer the question, planets don't USUALLY break and come together again. It is possible, however, that one object hits another, whereas they either merge together or a piece breaks off, forming a new object.

  2. If i get you right, then no. No planet have ever exploded and then reassembled. However, the Sun will one day. In a few billion years it will become a red giant and swollow most everything then either collapse into a whit dwarf or go supernova!

  3. It is possible the Earth was. Many scientists believe early in Earth's life, say 3.5 to 4 billion years ago, a comet hit the Earth and brought water to the planet. It was this impact that also may have formed our moon (from the Gulf of Mexico). So to answer your question, hypothetically, the Earth was shattered, the pieces from it were captured in orbit, and over 2 billion years, the gravity from both pulled the material back together and reshaped the two bodies into what we have today. This is 1 theory amongst many.

  4. Actually our sun is second or third generation star.

    Its already recreated from a star that had exploded into a supernova.

  5. It's believed that, early in Earth's history, it was shattered by a Mars-sized body, and that part of it went into orbit around the rest of it, forming the moon, while the rest re-formed to make the planet we inhabit. That's the closest thing I can think of to what you describe.

  6. Not sure what you mean by "bursted", its not an English word.

    As far as scientists know, there has been no planet in our solar system that was destroyed and recreated.

    However, early during its formation 4 billion years ago, the Earth was struck by a large planetesimal (around the size of Mars) that blew off a large amount of the early Earth (and destroyed the impactor) - the debris from the collision went into orbit around the Earth and eventually coalesced (clumped together) to form the moon.

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