
Which planets have plants?

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Which planets have they found plant life on? Please include sources if possible.

Best answer, as always, gets 10 points. Thanks in advance to all who answer!




  1. Outside of the singular planet we currently inhabit, none have been found, so there are no references to give you. We have no evidence of any form of life on ANY other planet other than our own.

  2. Earth, you dummy. Just earth.

  3. Earth

  4. So far Earth is the only planet to have known plant life. In fact, its the only known celestial body to have plant life.

    Mars is impossible because there is no liquid water, and it has an average temperature of -150 degrees C.

    Venus is nothing but a hot volcanic wasteland.

    Mercury has no Co2 at all, and has extreme temperature changes.

    Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are all gas giants and don't even have dirt.

    Pluto and other KBO's are simply too cold even though they might have water on them... but its frozen.

    How about the moons?

    Our moon has no air, and the ground is not suitable for plant life. There is also no liquid water.

    Titan, Saturn's largest moon has liquid methane, but no sign of liquid water.

    Europa on the other hand, Jupiter's 4th largest moon, could have plant life on it. It was discovered that the moon has frozen water on it, and towards the mantel, there could be a liquid ocean with about the same conditions of Antarctica. And given the fact that there are underwater plants, and algae in Antarctica, why not on Europa? A mission to Europa could reveal the answer.

    So far, Earth is the only known celestial body to have plant life on it. You might have heard about asparagus on Mars, but they were just saying that if they could bring liquid water to the planet, and plant it there, that it might grow... not that it is already there.

  5. They've been studying how plants would grow on Mars for the past two decades.  It's likely, Scientists have said, that there are plants on other planets because there is water on those planets.  They just haven't discovered the plants yet.  They've noted for awhile that the plants will likely be black, not green as we know them.

  6. Earth.

  7. The Mars trees, as seen from orbit, have turned out to be dust geysers blackening the ice in Spring.

    So far, it's just Earth.

  8. How about

    Dogs Mercury

    Venus Fly Trap

    Jupiters Beard

  9. So far as is known - only Earth.

    Mars would be possible, but the lack of water is a problem.  Planets farther out wouldn't receive enough sunlight to support plant life, and planets inside of Earth's orbit are too hot.

  10. Earth is it for now

  11. So far, only Earth.

  12. dont know oh yeah sunflowers seed

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