
Which player deserves to win the cup the most?..?

by Guest32800  |  earlier

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out of the ones who've been in the league the longest... but have never won it




  1. Nobody deserves the Cup; it has to be earned....

  2. Daniel Alfredsson would be my pick

  3. quote: "   'deserve' has got nothing to do w/ it"

    - William Munny (played by Clint Eastwood) in Unforgiven, when asked if a man "deserves" to die.

    The Cup has never been given to those who are deserving. Arguably, some have not "deserved" it. Regardless, it is awarded (not given) to those who win. They can be horrible fathers, have a homosexual brother, can secretly hate democracy, ... whatever. The only discriminator of the cup is that it separates those who win ... from those who didn't.

    the Hall of Fame deals w/ this ... "deserves" thing. I don't understand why people mix the two. What GM tailors his team around those who "deserve" the Cup? It's tailored around those who have the best chance to WIN the cup.

  4. Sundin if he comes back

  5. Linden.

  6. I'd have to Say Sundin, Alfredsson, S. Koivu or Nummenin.

  7. I would say Owen Nolan. When Colorado won it all in 1995/96, and Owen Nolan found out they won it, that must have sucked for him.

  8. I would have said Sundin but after this year not anymore.  Jeremy Roenick comes to mind as a second guess.........

  9. sundin

  10. Teppo Numminen? Just a guess. He hasn't even won a cup. He's been working so hard, but yet, he hasn't even got a cup. My other picks would be Owen Nolan, and Keith Tkachuk.

  11. -Keith Tkachuk

  12. Jason Smith, currently with the ottawa senators.

    the guy has been captain for both the oiler and flyers.

    he has more heart than most, he sacrifices his body day in and out. He deserves the cup cuz hes just a great leader.

  13. Owen Nolan, just because the year he got traded from Colorado to San Jose was a year Colorado won the Cup. How bad was that?  Plus, he normally works hard and fills the role he's asked to play nicely.

  14. Mats Sundin has been a class act since coming to Toronto 13 years ago. If any player deserves a shot at being up by a team with a legitimate chance of going to the finals, it's him.

  15. sundin for all hes done for the leafs the team and organization they should have gave him more support  

  16. There is a bunch, but I think JR would make a nice story.

  17. Saku Koivu. Just because.

  18. teppo numminen. he has endured so much and has worked so hard. but his teams just cant quite get there

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