
Which player is the most flashy player in the NBA?

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I vote Kobe! I like watching him put on a show. I still think LeBron is a better team player, gets it done in a lunch-box, punch the clock, believe in his team blindly type fashion. Never calls number one draft picks names, just a class act. Kobe on the other hand, is one of the most determined players of all time to become great, Kobe's one on one scoring skill-set is nice. Kobe's defense is nice. Kobe's flash is the best part of his game in my opinion. Tell me what you think!




  1. Kobe by far. no doubt


  3. I would say the most flashy player in the NBA would be Paul Peirce because of the alligations he has been making about kobe and how he thinks he is the best player in the NBA.

  4. Ricky Davis... that a**hole is nothing but being flashy. He doesn't care about winning, doesn't care about losing, all he cared about is his own stats and highlights on tv.

  5. D-WADE

  6. never know when he'll go off!

    Just fun to watch. Period.

  7. Allllen IIIIIIIIversooooon

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