
Which poem should i use for my english? Anyone can help - poetry wizzes, maths people, physics smarties. HELP?

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So for English we have to write 3 poems, and then use one to do an oral presentation on. I have written 4, and will probably write more... but i can't decide which 3 to use, and which one to use for my oral! So would you guys be able to help? All you have to do is read each poem, tell me which 3 you think are best, and which you think i should use for my oral. Also could you tell me what you think each means? Thanks!

Poem 1 - The Meaning of Life

The sun will never set,

And the moon will never rise,

Rain will cease to fall,

From behind these listless eyes.

The rose will never weep,

And leaves just will not fall,

There will be no path to tread

Which meets only a brick wall.

Heaven will never rain,

The bombs that were made by man,

And disease will not be rife,

Throughout this wonderland.

A sweet rainbow of colours

Will be accepted by all,

No hatred between Brothers,

No causing others fall.

A Place of no hunger,

No famine! And No strife!

A perfect world! A heaven here!

That is the true meaning of life.

Poem 2 - He silently stood and looked at me

He silently stood and looked at me,

A Prophet of what was to come,

As Autumn anticipates what is to be,

And so He feigns silence – Solitary –

Which soon appears when all is done.

Leeches – but White – stretch out and out,

Shrink back! Shy away from the Things,

He extends pale arms and yet I doubt

And I fear if I go what will come about?

Down to fire? Or up with the Wings?

He beckons me closer and I see,

A ray of Sunshine in the Gloom,

A life where I am Wild and Free,

So up we shall fly, Him, and me,

For the last time, I leave, this Room.

Poem 3 - Lock Up Your Heart

Lock up your heart! Let no one about!

I know you’ve got something to tell!

But who is pure, of Sin without?

Whose brain does you truly not doubt?

Who though bartered with will not sell?

For tale will lure those from their cocoon,

Of such morality and of pride,

Stoop low – a rat! – a change of tune!

Dread what is naked – bared too soon,

So the weed has spread, far and wide.

Those open hearts as caves at sea,

Innocent and mild you want,

Then soft - wind blowing – carefully!

Wings of the bird, rustle of tree,

To your one only dear confidant.

Poem 4 - Look Around

Today I am inside and looking out,

A small keyhole in the door of the world.

Proved wrong! I though it a beauty starved drought,

And yet, I can see it gilted and pearled.

Softly smiling the Lambs come out to play,

And they dance, oh they dance with wind in trees,

Pretty light smiling down warm them with ray,

With faint flower petals kissing their knees.

Look up! Peace pateiently soars in the air,

Her white wings innocent against the sea,

How curious – rain does not fall from there,

No blemish on the world - as it should be.

When thunder strikes you in an unknown way,

Look around, see beauty, have joy today.

Thank you so much for your help!




  1. 3 poems: 1, 3, 4

    poem for oral: 3

  2. I like poems 1, 3 and 4 the best. I think for your oral thing you should either use 1 or 4 since those two seem to have a bit more emotion to them and can be more interesting read allowed. The first one has a good message to get across, I believe, and has a nice flow except for the 2nd line of the 3rd stanza. It seems like it could be rephrased just to sound a bit better. The fourth poem has a nice feel to it as well as a good rhyme scheme. What will make or break your oral presentation is basically the voice you use. Practice mostly on where you may speed up or slow down while reading. Also the volume of your voice and the emotion you want to send to the listeners. I'm sure you'll do great. Your poetry is very thoughtful and well done. Good luck ^_^

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