
Which political commentator irritates you the most?

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Which political commentator irritates you the most?




  1. Bill Moyers on I pay for this stupid leftist propaganda c**p TV, otherwise known as public television.

  2. Chris Matthews & Keith Olbermann -I don't even watch MSNBC anymore because of them..

  3. All of them.  The one that really irritates me is Bill O'Reilly.

  4. Keith Olbermann.


  5. Lou Dobbs.  He has completely crossed the line between journalist commentator and angry old man.  I usually change the channel rather than listen to him imply that someone else is stupid.

  6. Bill O'Reilly, the man is a perverted slimeball.  

  7. Keith Olberman The guy is so full of himself it runs out his ears.

  8. Who's on the air?

    Look, they are all a bunch of dolts.

    Pop on Frank's "Dumb All Over" and see that he had better insight to what was going on than all of these half-wits

  9. With out a doubt, it has to be Hannity.

  10. Any of the smirking right-wing fascists.

    CNN has a couple of those too, it's not just FOX.

  11. Hume. My god if that guy stumbles on another word...

    I won't go after people and their views, but honestly, how did Hume make it that far with all of the stumbles he has every night. Gives me a headache. Brett w/e his name is who fills in every now and then is so much better.

  12. paul begala

  13. Yes

  14. All the ones on NBC.

  15. Hmm, I would have to go with Ann Coulter. I'd like to punch her in the Adam's apple.

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