
Which political party applies Justice as it is Constitutionally designed?

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for individuals vs collectively for the community?




  1. Thirty-seven thumbs up for Phil's answer.

    After the Bush v. Gore decision/travesty, I stopped believing that the Republican Party was truly going to try to end "judicial activism." Liberals support liberal judicial activism and now conservatives support conservative judicial activism.

    "A plague on both your houses!"

  2. i like democrap , coz they give so many monies to the people

  3. The Democrats, obviously.

    It used to be both parties--they simply emphasized different methods and issues. But prior to the so-called "neoconservative" movement, both shared the same basic values--a commitment to American values of law and justice and  respect for the Constitution.  Witness the classic example--the creation of the original GI Bill. Both sides supported it--and argued vigorously for their particular ideas of how it should be written.  The result was a specatacular success that ws better than either party would have achieved alone.

    The neoconservatives who hijacked the GOP do not share those values in any way. They dismiss the Constitution as a "d**n piece of paper," they openly advocate marginalizing and persecuting Muslims, hispanics, and anyone else they don't like.  They do not debate, they simply call names and use smear tactics. They are obviously spendthrift to the point of the absurd- Thee is nothing of the fiscal responsibility of the conservative in their words or actions.

    The day will come--I hope--when the GOP will expel these frauds and restore itself to its once honored  place in our society. In the meantime, we really only have one AMERICAN party in the US--the Democrats.

  4. Neither

  5. Repubs of course....Justice was defined in the times of the Forefathers as Punishment,not rehab

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