
Which political party are Glasgow Rangers FC fans most likely to vote for in elections?

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Which political party are Glasgow Rangers FC fans most likely to vote for in elections?




  1. Oh probably whatever their parents did.. coz they dont know how to make informed decisions themselves!

    or maybe a wasted vote like SNP...

    Can u tell i'm not a Rangers Fan? lol

  2. If the BNP were standing it would probably be them, I know it definitely won't be the Green party, but as they are all Brit sheep's they will vote for the Lieblur party(at least the ones who can vote)

    Rangers fan have always ad a Brit leaning that is why they wear the colour that they do and their fave song is god save the leech

  3. generally Labour or SNP i think. rangers fans are probably going to rage at some of these answers lol. i live with three but only one old enough to vote  n its SNP.  i don`t know why so many of you think they`d vote BNP. do the majority of Man U, Liverpool, etc. fans vote BNP?  the scottish sense of patriotism often means that we don`t identify with the term "british" in politics

  4. SNP I would think.

  5. Deffo BNP....

  6. SNP or Labour.

  7. BNP - defo no doubt about it.

  8. id say politics and football dont really have much to do with each other,so the voting habits of rangers fans are probably as diverse as any other group of people

  9. BNP or labour

  10. I doubt BNP, Scotland isn't a very BNP area (Right wing Facism). Maybe Labour or Scottish National.

  11. i agree with many of the others. BNP if they were standing.

  12. they prob wont vote. bnp maybe

  13. Why on earth would it matter what football team you support? Football and polotics have NOTHING to do with each other.

  14. Labour,

    Scottish voters keep this Labour government in power,

    They should vote SNP, English Voters would be glad if they did,

  15. DUP.

  16. as an englishman, i would hope like the rest of scotland snp.

    as we in england have no democracy(we are not allowed to vote for an independent england) the snp are our only hope.

    please get your independence, we can then cut ourselves off from each other with borders that people & lorries will have to pay a fortune to get through & we can both be free

  17. im rangers fan and am undecided yet as to who to vote for,,,prob be labour

  18. Rangers colours are blue and white with a touch of red - same as the Union Jack much beloved by the Protesant faction in Northern Ireland.  They were traditionally working class Tories but that was a long time ago Like Celtic  they are trying to lose the sectarian imagery . Expect the majority of their supporters would be moving towards the SNP and away from traditional Labour . The Conservatives in Scotland are , unlike England , a bit of a minority party .

  19. i second that BNP

  20. Football and politics are not connected up here in Glasgow but if they have any sense they will vote for SNP
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