
Which political party/ political ideology am I?

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I'm generally conservative but I feel mixed in some things so I'm unsure.

I'm pretty religious since I was raised Roman Catholic and with a good set of moral values.

I am pro-life in all cases

I don't believe in g*y marriage I think they have a right to have whatever relationship they want and to live together since that is their right (outside of my religious views) but a marriage is defined as between man and women and homosexual marriage isn't natural.

I don't believe in higher taxes for welfare programs since the tax dollars of the hard working tend to go to the lazy non-working (while some people are legitimately poor, a lot can do well if they tried and jumped on opportunities and education since most poor people can go to college today through grants and other opportunities) or that the government should be majorly responsible for health care. I do believe it should take a role if the nation enters a crisis or has problems in those areas however.

I don't believe in forcing nations into compliance or playing (world cop) so to say but I believe in taking a role if that nation is a legit threat (Iran and nukes is a legit threat) (Iraq I thought was so I supported but it turned out false) I think we should guide and help nations though and have strong foreign affairs, diplomacy, and prominence.

I believe in economic fairness and that large buisines's should be more regulated than medium or small buisnes's to prevent monopoly and create equal chance. I don't believe in high taxes or strict regulation of the economy or all businesses but I think everyone should have an equal chance to do well economically if that makes sense and leave a free market generally free unless large businesses get out of control and leave the unwealthy no chance to make it. (Microsoft is close I consider)

I am a strong believer in environmental protection and doing everything to prevent global warming. I support being green in everything. I believe the government should regulate what it can to prevent it so long as it doesn't severely impact the economy.

With all this what am I specifically? I know I fall under mostly republican but I have been told I'm a social conservative and an economic moderate. Is this generally accurate? I have been told I'm a neoconservative too, what is that? Am I one? Please help.




  1. You are, for the most part, a slightly confused, classical liberal/libertarian, with social conservative leanings. Check out I think you'll feel quite at home there.

    There's a political survey that you can take at

    You are most definitely *not* a neoconservative.  

  2. You are hard core dead to rights republican, no mixed about it, don't even pretend to be independent, you are party line hook and sinker.

  3. You may be a moderate conservative.  Supporting environmental protection is not strictly a Liberal cause, they do tend to take it to a higher standard, sometimes I think a ludicrous standard, but I don't think anyone out there actively supports dirty air and water.  I agree with you on all points, with one possible exception.  I believe g**s should be allowed civil unions with all the same rights, responsibilities, etc of marriage but it must not be called marriage.

  4. Your a Republican. Aka Conservative. Welcome.

  5. You would vote republican and congratulations for being intelligent.

  6. Confused about politics? Join the club. I'm voting for the one I hope will stave off the coming economic depression.

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